I don't know and I can't understand myself. Sometimes I just can't understand why I'm doing things. Things like pulling someone to hear our doctrines. By the way, when I invite my friends for the sake of having souls to be invited to listen I never force them to go with me, that's if, the said friend/friends are not so important to me. Why shall I waste my time and effort in pulling them out of that dreadful wrong-path-religion if they, themselves don't want to leave it. BUT, if he/she is a close friend of mine, ah... it's a different story. I am eager and always praying for them to see the truth and real path to the real God. I am really exerting effort and putting myself down in front of them. They will think I'm crazy. "Hey, this person is such crazy, she's very devoted to her religion." --Maybe this is what people I care for say to me. It is because they not yet understand that this is not just a belief I am fighting for, instead it is the truth that every living person should know because it could greatly affect their life. They don't understand how they are so important to me that I don't want them to suffer the great miserable that will come to their life. Why they won't try?
What do they want? The easiest way to serve God? To listen to the unrighteous preachers who preaches doctrines that are not in the Bible instead preach only the things that they think will fit their wants? Oh, how terrible! Then they don't follow God's will, they only follow themselves. That's why the world today had a terrible illness because it is human who had ignite Father's anger.
Anyway, it will really happen because it was written in Revelation, my favorite chapter.
Many people shout for peace but, as written in the Holy Scripture, they will ask for peace but destruction will come. There are many movies and films that show how they could see the world in the future. Many are truly frightened that the world will be destructed, that they wouldn't have home to live by anymore.
We, as an Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) member are not afraid when the destruction of the world come, i.e., the Judgment Day. It is because we were taught that that day is the day of our Salvation. Our soul will now rest on that day. We will live in an everlasting eternal happy life. No more sadness, no more sorrows, no more hunger, no more thirst, but only happiness. It was written in the Bible. And Oh! I am very so much excited to get into my Father's kingdom and to see Lord Jesus in person and of course to eat fruits from the tree of life that bear different fruits each month, to swim in the river of life, for sure I will not drown in there , coz I dont know how to swim, to walk on the Holy City that floorings are made of gold, how wonderful life is, life that no one in this world had experience. And His kingdom are reserved only for His true people who will remain loyal until the end.
If only my dear friends whom I invited has faith on this, they would probably accept the invitation without second thought and will do their best to become one. And will remain His faithful sheep.
I'm telling it to them now, now while I'm strong enough to fight what is right. While I have feelings of pity. While I'm strong enough in my faith and while I am still living. I fight because I know Father is right here beside me and telling me that I am not fighting for nothing.
What do they want? The easiest way to serve God? To listen to the unrighteous preachers who preaches doctrines that are not in the Bible instead preach only the things that they think will fit their wants? Oh, how terrible! Then they don't follow God's will, they only follow themselves. That's why the world today had a terrible illness because it is human who had ignite Father's anger.
Anyway, it will really happen because it was written in Revelation, my favorite chapter.
Many people shout for peace but, as written in the Holy Scripture, they will ask for peace but destruction will come. There are many movies and films that show how they could see the world in the future. Many are truly frightened that the world will be destructed, that they wouldn't have home to live by anymore.
We, as an Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) member are not afraid when the destruction of the world come, i.e., the Judgment Day. It is because we were taught that that day is the day of our Salvation. Our soul will now rest on that day. We will live in an everlasting eternal happy life. No more sadness, no more sorrows, no more hunger, no more thirst, but only happiness. It was written in the Bible. And Oh! I am very so much excited to get into my Father's kingdom and to see Lord Jesus in person and of course to eat fruits from the tree of life that bear different fruits each month, to swim in the river of life, for sure I will not drown in there , coz I dont know how to swim, to walk on the Holy City that floorings are made of gold, how wonderful life is, life that no one in this world had experience. And His kingdom are reserved only for His true people who will remain loyal until the end.
If only my dear friends whom I invited has faith on this, they would probably accept the invitation without second thought and will do their best to become one. And will remain His faithful sheep.
I'm telling it to them now, now while I'm strong enough to fight what is right. While I have feelings of pity. While I'm strong enough in my faith and while I am still living. I fight because I know Father is right here beside me and telling me that I am not fighting for nothing.
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